Internship at OekoSolve

OekoSolve offers internships and side jobs for students to gain work experience and develop their knowledge further.
If you want to know more, please contact Katrin Vetsch by email ( or by phone +41 81 511 63 00.



I am very happy to graduate my apprentiship as a commercial clerk at OekoSolve. Some of my daily tasks contain sorting our mails or completing several tasks in accountning.
Furthermore I am regulary in contact with clients on the phone. My Tasks are very diversified. Due to the nice working atmosphere, I feel comfortable.


Fiona Moser, Commercial Clerk, 1st year as an apprentice

Lorena Krummenacher, Lernende KauffrauI am convinced that OekoSolve is an amazing company vor my apprentisship as a commercial clerk. Besides the pleasant working atmosphere, the handling within our team is very familial.
Everyday is different and I enjoy the diverity of my daily tasks.



Lorena Krummenacher, Commercial clerk, 3rd year as an apprentice

Text will follow shortly.

Menandro Venini, Electronics technician, 2nd year as an apprentice

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