Electrostatic filter for wood burning stoves up to 50 kW – OekoTube


The electrostatic filter OekoTube-Outside substantially reduces the particulate matter (PM) from small wood-fired stoves including open fireplaces, free standing wood stoves, pellet stoves and coal stoves. 

Electrostatic filter for wood burning stoves OekoTube

Electrostatic filter for wood burning stoves OekoTube

The electrostatic precipitator (ESP) OekoTube-Outside is designed and suitable for all wood fires with a capacity below 50 kW and is mounted on top of the chimney or it can be inserted next to the wood stove with the ESP OekoTube-Inside.

The filter can easily be fitted to new or retrofitted to existing wood-heating systems with most chiney types.


  • Suitable for small wood fire facilities like open fireplaces, free standing wood stoves, coal stoves, central heating systems fuelled with wood logs, shavings or wood chips below the capacity of 50 kW
  • Proven and officially tested efficiency of 95%
  • Can easily be fitted on any kind of chimeys
  • Automatically functions and regulates
  • Easy cleaning by chimney sweeper
  • Robust, sturdy and long-lasting

Construction and Installation

The stainless steel cover protects the inside of the electrostatic precipitator from the effects of the weather and the environment from the high voltage electrode. The electronic controls and the electrode holder are attached to the separation module. The electrode is inserted into the flue via the electrode holder.

The electrode is 1.5 m long and its width is 10 mm. The cross-section and the updraft of the chimney are thus hardly affected.

The OekoTube is inserted on the chimney top on the roof. By installing the electrostatic precipitator, the chimney is raised by approx. 25 cm. The OekoTube is available for a flue diameter between 130-400 mm.

For the installation of the electrode, the chimney must be at least two meters in vertical length.
The electrical supply of the OekoTube requires a standard electrical outlet (230 V / 50 Hz AC) at the installation site.


Operation and maintenance

The chimney updraft is not affected by the operation of the particle separator. For the power supply, a connection cable or an electric outlet (230 V /50Hz AC) are required at the installation site. The electrostatic precipitator is automatically activated by a temperature sensor.

Cleaning the electrostatic filter is easy. During the regular chimney sweeping the separated particulate matter can be removed with a conventional chimney brush. The flexible electrode does not need to be removed during this process.

OekoSolve Logo Englisch
Schmelziweg 2
8889 Mels-Plons
Tel.:+41 (0)81 511 63 00

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Tested particle separation

  •    0-25 kW: =70 – 95%
  •   25-50 kW: =65-90%
  •   50-75 kW: =60-85%
  • 75-100 kW: =50-80%


  • Power consumption: max 30 W
  • Standby: less than 1 W
  • Power supply: 230V AC
  • Exhaust gas temperature: up to 400 degrees Celsius
  • Filtering efficiency: 95% 


  • A minimum of two metres vertically downward length from the top of the chimney
  • Avaliability of a direct power supply (230V AC)

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