Electrostatic Precipitators (ESP) for woody biomass heaters by OekoSolve
OekoSolve develops electrostatic precipitators (ESP) for woody biomass heaters up to 3 MW and the wood chip dryer with an integrated electrostatic precipitator up to 10 MW. The particulate filters, which are based on the electrostatic principle, ensure the compliance with the statutory regulations with regard to the maximum permissible particulate matter load for wood combustion systems. The fine dust filters can be used in any wood stoves for pellets, wood chips and wood logs.
The particulate separators are mounted either at the end of the smoke stack or directly behind the wood stoves. The new OekoTube-Inside up to 100 kW can also be walled in. Due to the in-house production of the fine dust filters, individual customer solutions regarding specific dimensions and installation requirements can be resolved in almost all cases. Experts are at your disposal to address your needs.
OekoSolve AG customers value the manufacturer’s many years of expertise with innovative developments of electrostatic fine dust filters for residential buildings as well as agricultural and industrial wood boiler systems.
Our ESP for lounge wood heating:
An electrostatic precipitator for all fire wood heaters with a capacity below 50 kW, mounted on top of the chimney.
Our Stack Filters for automatic wood combustion systems:
An electrostatic precipitator for wood heating up to 100 kW, mounted in the boiler room.OekoRona
An electrostatic filter for all automatic fire wood heating systems with an output of up to 500 kW.OekoRona M
An electrostatic precipitator for wood and coal boilers with outputs between 200 kW and 3 MW.
Our Electrostatic Precipitators - Special applications:
An electrostatic filter for all types of wood stoves which use firewood, wood chips or pellets with a capacity of up to 800 kW.Wood chips dryer with integrated ESP
An efficient electrostatic precipitator (ESP) with an integrated fuel dryer for wet wood chips.
Electrostatic Precipitators for your wood heating - quick search:
Fine dust filters based on heater capacity
Fine dust filters based on application
Electrostatic chimney filter
- Retrofitting your tiled stove? See OekoTube Outside.
- Chimney smoke filter for wood heaters: OekoTube Inside.